Studying Early Childhood Education at İKU

If topics such as developmental psychology and learning processes evoke your scientific curiosity, if you want to take your place among the teachers or specialists who have knowledge and experience about the physical, mental and emotional development of children, then the İKÜ Early Childhood Education undergraduate program should be among your choices. 

Education Process
In the Early Childhood Education undergraduate program, students are equipped with skills such as developmental psychology, communication, management, social sciences, and handcrafts through a multi-faceted educational program prepared in accordance with the international standards of the Bologna process. You can find the opportunity to apply your undergraduate studies at Kültür Kindergartens, which are among the Kültür Educational Institutions just like İstanbul Kültür University. Thanks to the theoretical education offered by distinguished academic staff and the Kültür College Foundation's extensive educational background and experience, you can get in touch with Early Childhood Education specialists during your studies and gain a wider perspective of the field. 

Last Update Date: Thu, 08/29/2019 - 13:31